コンサートマーチ「ザ・ヴィクトリア・ピーク」 / The Victoria Peak ~ Concert March ~

■作品名 (Title)
The Victoria Peak ~ Concert March ~
■委嘱団体 (Commissioned organization)
Commissioned by Rave Group for the participating bands in celebration of the 5th Winter Band Festival 2013 at the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort.
■作品No (Work No)
■作曲年 (Composition year)
■グレード (Grade)
■演奏時間 (Duration)
■演奏可能最低人数 (musician)
■参考音源 (Audio Sample)
■出版社 (Publisher)
■解説 (Commentary)

毎年12月に香港ディズニーリゾートにおいてシンガポール、マレーシア、タイ、フィリピンといったア ジア諸国の小・中学生、高校生、一般バンドが集まる「冬の吹奏楽祭」が企画開催されている。参加団体 は香港ディズニーランドでの演奏やパレードができる他、参加者全員でミッキーマウスたちと触れ合いな がら国際交流できるディナーパーティが何と言っても目玉で、近年は大変注目されているイヴェントであ る。2013年は第5回開催を記念して主催者であるレイヴ・グループはアジア諸国で人気を集めている八木 澤教司にコンサートマーチ「ザ・ヴィクトリア・ピーク」を委嘱。明るく華やかなこの作品はアジア諸国 だけでなく世界中の吹奏楽ファンに親しまれるであろう。世界初演は作曲者自身の指揮と「冬の吹奏楽 祭」にゲスト出演した香港警察音楽隊によって2013年12月1日に行われた。

Every December, the Winter Band Festival is held at the Disneyland resort, Hong Kong, and bands from various elementary, junior and high schools and communities from Asian countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines and others take part. Every band has the opportunity to play or parade at Disneyland and enjoy international atmosphere of the dinner party with Mickey Mouse and the others. This party has become very much a centerpiece of the occasion and continues to draw a lot of interest. The Victoria Peak, a concert march by Satoshi Yagisawa—a popular composer in Asian countries—was commissioned by the festival organizer, Rave Group to celebrate the 5th Winter Band Festival in 2013. This bright, colourful work will be familiar to wind music fans the world over. The world première of The Victoria Peak was given by the Hong Kong Police Band, guest artists for the festival, conducted by the composer on December 1 2013.

The Victoria Peak
~ Concert March ~
Commissioned by Rave Group for the participating bands
in celebration of the 5th Winter Band Festival 2013 at the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort.
Participating bands of the 5th Winter Band Festival 2013Baptist (Sha Tin Wai)
Lui Ming Choi Primary School Band(Hong Kong)
Belilios Public School Symphonic Band(Hong Kong)
Fanling Lutheran Secondary School Symphonic Band(Hong Kong)
Heep Yunn School Symphonic Band(Hong Kong)
Kowloon Tong School (Primary Section) Wind Band(Hong Kong)
Munsang College Symphonic Band(Hong Kong)
Po Leung Kuk No. 1 W. H. Cheung College Symphonic Band(Hong Kong)
Po Leung Kuk Riverain Primary School Wind Ensemble(Hong Kong)
Raimondi College Wind Orchestra(Hong Kong)
St. Mary’s Canossian College Concert Band(Hong Kong)
STFA Tam Pak Yu College Wind Band(Hong Kong)
The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds(Hong Kong)
TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College Intermediate Band(Hong Kong)
TWGHs Yow Kam Yuen Symphonic Band(Hong Kong)
Ying Wa College Band(Hong Kong)
Ying Wa Primary School Senior School Band(Hong Kong)
S.T.A.R. Youth Wind Orchestra(Malaysia)
The Renaissance – SMSS(Malaysia)
De La Salle Santiago Zobel Symphonic Band(Philippines)
Anderson Primary School Brass Band (Singapore)
Anglo Chinese School (Junior) Concert Band(Singapore)
Fairfield Methodist School (Primary) Concert Band(Singapore)
Fuhua Secondary School Military Band(Singapore)
Maha Bodhi School Symphonic Band(Singapore)
National Junior College Symphonic Band(Singapore)
Punggol Secondary School Concert Band(Singapore)
Horwang School Wind Ensemble(Thailand)

■編成 (Instrumentation)


  1. 「セントルイスの風」~万国博覧会に向けた男の情熱とロマン~ / The Wind of St.Louis – A Man’s Dream of The Louisiana Purchase Exposition

  2. 仰ぎ見ること ~ 泰山北斗の如し / Be great like “Mt.Taishan” Twinkle like “The Big Dipper !”

  3. きらめく星たち / The Twinkling Stars

  4. 夢の華 – 六甲山に咲き誇る / Flowers of Dreams – In bloom in the Rokko Mountain

  5. 春の詩 ― 風の丘の物語 / A poem of spring-story of the windy hill

  6. レムリアへの哀歌(フルート,Perc.1&2(三重奏曲))

  7. 眩い星座になるために… 【2016年改訂版】 / To Be Vivid Stars (2016 Version)

  8. 卑弥呼の鏡 / HIMIKO’s MIRROR

  9. 地底都市「カッパドキア」― 妖精の宿る不思議な岩 / Cavetowns “Cappadocia” – Strangely shaped rocks where elves dwell

  10. 行進曲【現在、生徒さんが考案中!】

  11. 吹奏楽のための詩曲「はてしなき大空への讃歌」 / Poem for Wind Orchestra “Hymn to the infinite sky”

  12. KYO-WA

  13. Celebres Overture

  14. エンペドクレスの愛 / Empedocres’s love

  15. 「サグラダファミリアの鐘」― ガウディの継がれゆく意志 / The Bells of Sagrada Familia – An everlasting will of Antoni Gaudi