曙光の波をきって / 第一楽章:街のいしずえ BEYOND THE HORIZON/1 Mov. KURE – Core City of the East

■作品名 (Title)
曙光の波をきって / 第一楽章:街のいしずえ BEYOND THE HORIZON/1 Mov. KURE – Core City of the East
■委嘱団体 (Commissioned organization)
海上自衛隊呉音楽隊 呉鎮守府開庁130周年記念 委嘱
■作品No (Work No)
■作曲年 (Composition year)
■グレード (Grade)
■演奏時間 (Duration)
■演奏可能最低人数 (musician)
■参考音源 (Audio Sample)
■出版社 (Publisher)
■解説 (Commentary)

第1楽章…街のいしずえ 第2楽章…渚のひかり 第3楽章…造船と職人  







  1. KURE – Core City of the East
  2. SETOUCHI – The Inland Sea
  3. YAMATO – The Battleship

Beyond the Horizon was given its world premiere by Maritime Self-Defense Force Kure Band, conducted by Mr. Hirokazu Ishida.
Kure is in the south west of Hiroshima Prefecture. The city is on the Seto Inland Sea and some smaller isles. It is a seaside city blessed with a mild climate and surroundings of natural beauty.

As soon as the operation of former Kure ‘Chinju-fu’ (naval base) started in 1889, naval arsenals and related facilities were built one after another. Workers gathered from all over Japan to build the city infrastructure. The municipality was established in 1902. In time, Kure became a notable location with Japan’s top naval shipyard. For example, the battleship “Yamato” was built there in 1941. When the Second World War ended and the Japanese navy was abolished, Kure was restored successfully as a new seaside industrial district by constructively transferring former military assets with the aim of transforming the city into a peace-time industrial coast city. Furthermore, the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) Kure District was set up and Kure is now moving forward with new urban buildings based on “co-existence and co-prosperity” together with the JMSDF.

In 2000, the city was designated as a “special city”. The eight towns of the inland area and island area around Kure were merged with the city between 2003 and 2005, reborn as western Japan’s premium city with both beautiful islands and a coastline.


■編成 (Instrumentation)


  1. 「ひまわり、15本」~ ヴィンセント・ヴァン・ゴッホに寄せて / Vase with Fifteen Sunflowers

  2. エンペドクレスの愛 / Empedocres’s love

  3. ファンファーレ「未知への飛翔」 / Fanfare – Flight to the Unknown World

  4. 「優位な曲線」― ヴァシリー・カンディンスキーに寄せて / Dominant Curve – An Artwork of. Wassily Kandinsky

  5. 「オアフ島の情景」~碧き海と聖なる大地の歌 / Scenes from the Island of Oahu – The Sea and the Earth –

  6. 「ポンペイ」- 古代遺跡が語る大都市の繁栄と終焉 / Pompeii

  7. Fanfare – Wings of Glory

  8. メモリーズ・オブ・フレンドシップ / MEMORIES OF FRIENDSHIP

  9. インテルメッツォ ~ 独奏クラリネットとウインドアンサンブルのための / Intermezzo – for Clarinet and Concert Band

  10. ソング・オブ・スピリット / SONG OF THE SPIRIT

  11. 陽のあたる庭[吹奏楽版] / My Sunny Garden

  12. 地底都市「カッパドキア」― 妖精の宿る不思議な岩 / Cavetowns “Cappadocia” – Strangely shaped rocks where elves dwell

  13. コンサートマーチ「ザ・ヴィクトリア・ピーク」 / The Victoria Peak ~ Concert March ~

  14. 「サグラダファミリアの鐘」― ガウディの継がれゆく意志【2019年改訂版】 / The Bells of Sagrada Familia – An everlasting will of Antoni Gaudi (2019 Version)

  15. 「夜と霧」~ それでも人生にイエスと言う / Nevertheless, Say Yes to Life